Professional Development
Here are the Playhouse, we believe in providing quality professional development trainings to schools, organizations, and nonprofits to further advocate for mental health wellbeing. These trainings can be offered on site or at the Playhouse training center. Below are our current trainings that are being offered. For more information or to book your professional development training please contact us at [email protected].
Trauma Informed 100 (3 hours)
In this course, participants will begin to explore what makes up a traumatic experience, how it can affect the whole body, and what triggers look like.
Objectives (Trauma 100)
Trauma Informed 101 (3 Hours)
Trauma 100 must be completed prior to this course. In this course, participants will explore further how trauma impacts the whole person, how trauma responses present in the body, and how to appropriately respond to an individual who may be experiencing a trauma response.
Objectives (Trauma 101)
Culturally Curious 100 (3 hours)
This course is designed to begin meaningful conversations, personal reflections, and change around our knowledge of culture. Culture is everywhere and most of us do not know just how much we are affected. Our language, how we complete tasks, how we address concerns and so much more is guided by our culture. Consequently our values and beliefs can impede others.
Objectives (Culture 100)
Culturally Curious 101 (3 Hours)
Culture 100 must be completed prior to this course. This course is designed to enhance and advance meaningful conversations, personal reflections, and change around our knowledge of culture. Culture is everywhere and most of us do not know just how much we are affected. Our language, how we complete tasks, how we address concerns and so much more is guided by our culture. Consequently our values and beliefs can impede others.
Objectives (Culture 101)
Working with children - 12 and younger (3 hours)
Do you work with individuals under 16? As you may already know, working with children is vastly different than working with adults. Asking direct questions may not be effective with children 16 and younger. In this course, you will basic child development and interventions that will support your work with children.
Working with Teens -13 through 18 (3 hours)
Do you work with individuals under 18? As you may already know, working with teens can be more difficult than working with adults. Asking direct questions can be met with silence, they may defy your interventions and struggle to therapeutically engage. In this course, you will do basic teen development and interventions that will support your work with teens.
Technology and Therapy (3 hours)
There is no going back, technology is here and intertwined in our client’s lives. How do we, as clinicians, utilize technology therapeutically? In this course we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of technology and therapy, tele-health best practices and interventions to utilize with clients.
Custody Chaos (3 hours)
Working with children of separation/divorce can be terrifying: fighting parents, court involvement, documentation all while trying to support the client’s emotional well-being. Clinicians working with children involved in custody brings its own set of procedures to keep your license protected. In this course we will explore best practices for documentation, coordinating between parents, and interventions for the child.
Legal Considerations and Terminology for Working with Children of Divorce (3 hours)
Navigating the legal terms and considerations of working with children of divorce can be daunting. In this training, participants will be equipped with terminology, legal considerations, and resources for working with children of divorce.
Intro to Sandtray Therapy (6 hours)
This introductory to sandtray therapy will cover the history of sandtray, sandtray protocol, and sandtray processing. Participants will leave with a working knowledge of implementing the “Create Your World” technique.
In this advance sandtray workshop participants will learn developmental norms for clients of all ages. Special focus and consideration will be given for the implementation of sandtray therapy with couples, families, and groups.
Sandtray Therapy Techniques and Trauma (6 hours)
Having a variety of sandtray therapy techniques in your pocket is vital for the expressive therapist in treating clients. This workshop will focus on a variety of techniques with hands on experience. Special focus will be given to the implementation of sandtray therapy as an expressive treatment for trauma.
Working with extremely young children can be intimidating for many play therapists due to reduced communication, regulation, impulse control, and self-management skills. This workshop will focus on understanding developmental norms, targeting development of age appropriate skills, fostering growth through the play metaphor, and implementing parents as partners in the play therapy process.
Trauma Responses and Polyvagel Theory (3 hours)
Trauma impacts individuals in a myriad of ways, understanding why children respond the way they do is key in moving towards recovery. This workshop will focus on the foundations of the Polyvagel Theory and common trauma responses of children.
You and Me : Playfully Creating Healthy Attachments (3 hours)
Attachment in the first few years of life sets the stage for how a child perceives and interacts in their relationships. Help caregivers foster healthy attachments in young children to develop lifelong social and relational skills.
Parents as Partners (3 hours)
We all know that in working with children that their parents can be our greatest allies, or our greatest enemies. Participants will learn the importance of developing rapport with parents while still maintaining the trust of the child. Emphasis will be placed on creating partnerships with parents to gain their trust and mutual investment in their child’s treatment goals and outcomes.
Preventing Burnout (3 hours)
Now more than ever, your skills are in high demand; you and your colleagues are being asked to give more and more. You go home and asked to give more. Watching the news and listening to friends… it starts to become too much. Let’s change that. This workshop will provide individuals with current research on burnout and fatigue and creative/expressive interventions for self-care. The main objectives of this workshop: relax and have a little fun.
In this course, participants will begin to explore what makes up a traumatic experience, how it can affect the whole body, and what triggers look like.
Objectives (Trauma 100)
- Participants will identify what constitutes a traumatic experience.
- Participants will discuss how trauma affects the brain and body.
- Participants will describe 3 ways trauma is triggered.
Trauma Informed 101 (3 Hours)
Trauma 100 must be completed prior to this course. In this course, participants will explore further how trauma impacts the whole person, how trauma responses present in the body, and how to appropriately respond to an individual who may be experiencing a trauma response.
Objectives (Trauma 101)
- Participants will explain how trauma impacts an individual
- Participants will list 5 ways trauma presents
- Participants will compile skills and resources to best support an individual who is experiencing a trauma response.
Culturally Curious 100 (3 hours)
This course is designed to begin meaningful conversations, personal reflections, and change around our knowledge of culture. Culture is everywhere and most of us do not know just how much we are affected. Our language, how we complete tasks, how we address concerns and so much more is guided by our culture. Consequently our values and beliefs can impede others.
Objectives (Culture 100)
- Participants will describe culture
- Participants will analyze what is their personal culture.
- Participants will discuss how their culture can impact others
Culturally Curious 101 (3 Hours)
Culture 100 must be completed prior to this course. This course is designed to enhance and advance meaningful conversations, personal reflections, and change around our knowledge of culture. Culture is everywhere and most of us do not know just how much we are affected. Our language, how we complete tasks, how we address concerns and so much more is guided by our culture. Consequently our values and beliefs can impede others.
Objectives (Culture 101)
- Participants will describe diversity
- Participants will describe 3 aspects of culture and diversity.
- Participants will plan how to be culturally curious.
Working with children - 12 and younger (3 hours)
Do you work with individuals under 16? As you may already know, working with children is vastly different than working with adults. Asking direct questions may not be effective with children 16 and younger. In this course, you will basic child development and interventions that will support your work with children.
- Participants will discuss child development
- Participants will identify 3 interventions that are effective with children 3-6
- Participant will identify 3 interventions that are effective with children 7-12
Working with Teens -13 through 18 (3 hours)
Do you work with individuals under 18? As you may already know, working with teens can be more difficult than working with adults. Asking direct questions can be met with silence, they may defy your interventions and struggle to therapeutically engage. In this course, you will do basic teen development and interventions that will support your work with teens.
- Participants will discuss child development
- Participants will list rapport building skills
- Participants will identify 3 interventions that are effective with teens.
Technology and Therapy (3 hours)
There is no going back, technology is here and intertwined in our client’s lives. How do we, as clinicians, utilize technology therapeutically? In this course we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of technology and therapy, tele-health best practices and interventions to utilize with clients.
- Participants will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of technology and therapy
- Participants will analyze best practices while utilizing Tele-Behavioral Health
- Participants will identify 3 interventions using technology with clients.
Custody Chaos (3 hours)
Working with children of separation/divorce can be terrifying: fighting parents, court involvement, documentation all while trying to support the client’s emotional well-being. Clinicians working with children involved in custody brings its own set of procedures to keep your license protected. In this course we will explore best practices for documentation, coordinating between parents, and interventions for the child.
- Participants will list appropriate documentation procedures
- Participants will plan how to work with conflicting parents
- Participants will identify 3 interventions to utilize with children clients.
Legal Considerations and Terminology for Working with Children of Divorce (3 hours)
Navigating the legal terms and considerations of working with children of divorce can be daunting. In this training, participants will be equipped with terminology, legal considerations, and resources for working with children of divorce.
- Participants will describe commonly used terminology used in divorce and custody cases.
- Participants will understand and identify legal considerations for working with children of divorce.
- Participants will identify resources available for working with this special population.
Intro to Sandtray Therapy (6 hours)
This introductory to sandtray therapy will cover the history of sandtray, sandtray protocol, and sandtray processing. Participants will leave with a working knowledge of implementing the “Create Your World” technique.
- Participants will describe the history of sandtray therapy and the differences between sandtray and sandplay.
- Participants will identify uses of different types of sand, sand trays, and miniature categories in sandtray therapy.
- Participants will be able to identify sandtray protocol.
- Participants will utilize sandtray processing techniques.
- Participants will be able to identify the different types of worlds and symbolism of miniatures in sandtray therapy.
- Participants will be able to utilize the “create your world” technique.
In this advance sandtray workshop participants will learn developmental norms for clients of all ages. Special focus and consideration will be given for the implementation of sandtray therapy with couples, families, and groups.
- Participants will identify developmental norms for clients of all ages.
- Participants will describe the benefits and rationale of sandtray therapy for couples and families.
- Participants will describe the benefits and rationale of sandtray therapy for therapeutic groups.
- Participants will describe sandtray protocol for couples and families.
- Participants will describe sandtray protocol for groups.
- Participants will list sandtray therapy techniques used for couples, families, and groups.
Sandtray Therapy Techniques and Trauma (6 hours)
Having a variety of sandtray therapy techniques in your pocket is vital for the expressive therapist in treating clients. This workshop will focus on a variety of techniques with hands on experience. Special focus will be given to the implementation of sandtray therapy as an expressive treatment for trauma.
- Participants will describe sixteen different sandtray techniques, their benefits, and rationale for use with clients of all ages.
- Participants will be able to utilize sandtray protocols for the above mentioned techniques.
- Participants will discuss the unique effect sandtray therapy has a an expressive form of treatment.
- Participants will list the impacts of trauma on brain development.
- Participants will describe the benefits and rationale for sandtray therapy in the treatment of trauma.
- Participants will be able to utilize sandtray protocols in working with clients who have experienced trauma.
Working with extremely young children can be intimidating for many play therapists due to reduced communication, regulation, impulse control, and self-management skills. This workshop will focus on understanding developmental norms, targeting development of age appropriate skills, fostering growth through the play metaphor, and implementing parents as partners in the play therapy process.
- Participants will list developmental norms for child ages 18 months to 5 years of age.
- Participants will describe the development of age appropriate coping skills for this age range.
- Participants will identify 3 ways of fostering growth for young children through the play metaphor.
- Participants will list the benefits and rationale of implementing parents as partners in the play therapy process for young children.
- Participants will describe 3 techniques for incorporating parents in the playroom with their young child.
- Participants will describe 3 techniques a play therapist can implement to increase a child’s threshold of tolerance in developing self-management and regulation skills.
Trauma Responses and Polyvagel Theory (3 hours)
Trauma impacts individuals in a myriad of ways, understanding why children respond the way they do is key in moving towards recovery. This workshop will focus on the foundations of the Polyvagel Theory and common trauma responses of children.
- Participants will list 6 trauma responses children can display.
- Participants will describe the Polyvagel Theory and its impacts on children who have experienced trauma.
- Participants will utilize 3 techniques for grounding children and helping them move to recovery.
You and Me : Playfully Creating Healthy Attachments (3 hours)
Attachment in the first few years of life sets the stage for how a child perceives and interacts in their relationships. Help caregivers foster healthy attachments in young children to develop lifelong social and relational skills.
- Participants will describe the four types of attachments and their behavioral responses in relationships.
- Participants will list the benefits and rationale for implementing attachment based interventions.
- Participants will utilize 3 interventions designed to increase positive, healthy attachments between caregivers and their children.
Parents as Partners (3 hours)
We all know that in working with children that their parents can be our greatest allies, or our greatest enemies. Participants will learn the importance of developing rapport with parents while still maintaining the trust of the child. Emphasis will be placed on creating partnerships with parents to gain their trust and mutual investment in their child’s treatment goals and outcomes.
- Participants will describe 3 ways to build rapport with parents.
- Participants will list 3 ways to develop a partnership with parents.
- Participants will discuss techniques for increasing a parent’s “stake in the ground” in their child’s treatment.
Preventing Burnout (3 hours)
Now more than ever, your skills are in high demand; you and your colleagues are being asked to give more and more. You go home and asked to give more. Watching the news and listening to friends… it starts to become too much. Let’s change that. This workshop will provide individuals with current research on burnout and fatigue and creative/expressive interventions for self-care. The main objectives of this workshop: relax and have a little fun.
- Explain the differences between compassion fatigue and professional burnout.
- Describe characteristics of compassion fatigue and burnout.
- Demonstrate 2 self-care techniques to lessen the impact of burnout.